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Minor Majority France : SO BAD, SO BAD, SO BAD


(Pål Angelskår)

I wish I didn´t have the time
To think things over
I wish I wouldn´t try so hard
To understand
If I don’t stop looking over my shoulder
Soon I´m going to turn into something bad

So bad, so bad, so bad

I used to love this place, you know
We played here twice a week
Stacked our amps back against the concrete wall
A bunch of pedals by our feet
I used to write her love songs
Kept them simple, kept them sweet
Made her close her eyes and smile
When she was singing harmonies

So bad, so bad, so bad

I wish you´d hurry home, she says
I wish she’d leave me be
But time has told me otherwise
And without me she can’t sleep
So I lay my guitar down
And get up on my feet
Turn out the lights and close the door
While I listen to the street

So bad, so bad, so bad

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